Out of the box

Andrea Šundovska

mentor: prof. Maruša Zorec 
asistent: doc. Uroš Rustja 
sodelavca: Andraž Keršič, Tadej Bolta 
demonstratorja: Matija Nahtigal, Elija Štader 

Hiša je zasnovana iz modularnih kubusov razporejenih na igriv način. S preprostim dodajanjem ali odvzemanjem modula sem dobila strukturo ki lahko raste. Hiša raziskuje umirjenosti. Odziva se na godai, ki je filozofsko razumevanje tradicionalnih japonskih elementov oziroma štirih glavnih elementov Zemlje, Vode, Ognja, Vetra in Praznine ki jih povezuje. Vsak od njih nam ponuja edinstven občutek in poseben pogled. To je projekt, ki s preprostostjo svoje geometrijske oblike prikazuje lepoto organskega sveta narave. 


“The archetypal zen view occurs in a famous Japanese house, which gives this pattern its name. If there is a beautiful view, do not spoil it by building huge windows that gape incessantly at it. Instead, put the windows which look onto the view at places of transition – along paths, in hallways, in entry ways, on stairs, between rooms.  If the view window is correctly placed, people will see a glimpse of the distant view as they come up to the window or pass it; but the view is never visible from the places where people stay.” ZEN VIEW / C. Alexander: A Pattern Language 

Andraž Sodja
Jana Stojanović